Holland Paints Baseball's Greats

Mike Trout Painted by Stephen Holland
Once again Stephen Holland has been tapped to paint one of baseball’s greatest.
Mike Trout, often referred to as the “the best major league baseball player on the planet”, is captured in Stephen’s latest portrait with the smile and ease (as well as the athletic prowess) that has led most experts to speculate that he might just be one of the best players ever to play the game.
We all know that Stephen Holland is certainly one of the best painters to ever capture the greats so it is no surprise nor a coincidence that these two have once again gotten together to create this latest release.
Following the complete sell through of Stephen’s first limited edition of Trout, Holland was asked to create this latest portrait.
The painting resides in Angels Stadium (where Mike Trout is signed to the largest player contract in professional sports history) and the prints are available exclusively through Limelight Agency.
Signed by both Mike Trout and Stephen Holland and licensed authenticated by MLB, this edition is the best of its kind and is certain to follow the first in selling out quickly